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Monday, December 19, 2011

Stop Buying, Start Working!

The title above is just a reminder to myself not to buy anymore books! Dlm sebulan ni byk pulak beli buku about sewing nih (and 1 buku memasak yg dah lama pending nak beli '1hari 1resepi by Hanieliza tu'). Yang nak cite kali ni pasai magazine handmade yg dr Taiwan kot tu VS handmade living dr UK...walaupun yg Taiwan lg murah, tp rupe2nye, yg tulah lg berbaloi2 beli...byk sangat examples plus how to make each of the example...yg dibeli ni byk pasal how to make bags (quilting), next time, i mean 3-4months pasni, lehla beli lagi...for now kena stop dlu sbb projek just buat pincussion yg sgt simple and satu coaster yg simple yg diambil patternnye dr buku first yg dibeli for this year which was Sew Retro...baru nampak hasilnye...:)


Mila@Rimbun said...

mai nak tengok hasilnyer tuh.. tunjuklah gambar skit hehehe

mamasyitah said...

hehe...ade...simple sgt...nak kena beli mcm ribbon utk jahit kat atasnye...xde lg...